Popular questions about therapeutic fasting
What is cyclic fasting?
Power mode, in which a person does not eat several days a month. At the same time he works, prepares food, but does not experience hunger and temptations. By performing several simple procedures during the fasting period, you can achieve cleansing of the body and quickly lose weight.
The person does not eat at all and he does not want?
Yes, with careful performance of the instructions, patients undergo a fasting without any thrills. On the contrary, they all mark lightness, emotional uplift, high working capacity. In addition, you can freely drink water, including mineral, tea and even coffee.
How fast is fasting and how often should it be done?
Those who wish to master a food break in order to cleanse the body and lose weight, we recommend starvation from three to seven days. It is most expedient to carry out fasting every month. Sometimes, for the purpose of "greatly lose weight", it is possible to spend a series of weekly food pauses at intervals of one to two weeks.
What is the result?
All our patients lose about a kilogram a day. It should be remembered, however, that the loss of weight for the first two days is "unreliable". It is the weight of water and the contents of the gastrointestinal tract. Two pounds often return in the first days after starvation. The result of a week-long starvation is minus five kilograms of excess weight.
And do you guarantee it?
Yes We also guarantee the safety of the technique, good well-being during the fasting period, high efficiency in the treatment of a large number of diseases and the elimination of overweight. But all this provided that the patient diligently fulfills our recommendations.
Tell me, and it is not harmful, complete starvation?
If there are no contraindications (there are a few of them and they reduce to the necessity of urgent treatment of this or that disease), then the food pause is completely harmless. For many years, our patients did not even have cases of exacerbation of already existing diseases.
Will there be skin problems with such weight loss (folds, sagging)?
So far, all our patients were very pleased with their appearance after a meal pause. In a week, you will simply be seven kilograms lighter and look seven years younger.
And how then does your body weight behave in your patients?
Overweight, as a rule, is the result of low mobility when over-nutrition. We are learning to eat less, but move more. According to our observations, "weight gain" in patients is 1 kilogram per month, and a loss of 7 kg. That's why we recommend first to lose weight and then to maintain a good form to spend in the food pause every 3-4 days.
Tell us how much your course costs to lose 10 - 12 kilograms?
Not burdened with diseases of 10-12 kg can be eliminated in two months, plus a month to stabilize. This is an option number 2, its cost is 100 euros.
This method only cures overweight?
No, of course. Therapeutic fasting has a very wide range of indications: diseases of the nervous system, digestion, respiration, skin diseases, and much more. Suitable for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, asthma, ulcer disease of the stomach, urolithiasis, cholecystopancreatitis, all types of allergies. Find out if our program is appropriate and you can get advice by sending us a questionnaire.
Do you need pre-training before starting the program?
In general, no. In the evening, you perform a couple of procedures and go to bed, and in the morning you are already in the program.
I've heard that after starvation there is a fever.
One of the elements of the technique is the management of appetite, the other is the elimination of hunger. But even when returning to the habitual excess nutrition, weight grows slowly, about 1 kilogram per month, but quickly lost - 7 kg.
In your technique, enemas and cyber bulbs are used?
Yes Many aids are used, but all procedures are simple and safe.
How does the food pause affect hormonal regulation?
Patients have normal menstrual cycle, after one or two food pauses, the cycle becomes strictly regular. Manifestations of concomitant hormonal disorders of the disease (mastopathy, endometriosis, fibromyoma), if not disappeared altogether, then significantly decreased. Many times it was possible to cure hormonal and tubal infertility. It is also easy to eliminate climacteric events.
What is internet learning?
Mastering the technique of cyclic fasting at home under the guidance of an experienced physician. A step-by-step instruction is contained in the manual of the program, and you can receive advice and advice at any time by phone, Skype or by mail.
How to become a member of your program?
Fill out the questionnaire or write in your own words what you want to get from the program. Be sure to indicate your weight, height, age, health problems and e-mail.
1.Get a confirmation that you have no contraindications that you have chosen the correct option and that we are ready to include you in the program.
2.Pay tuition and inform about payment by letter or call.
3.On the same day, we will send you our guide to the program and a recommendation on how to proceed with it (the cheat sheet). Check them out and, if you have any questions, let us know.
Feel free to start the program and keep a diary. Consult us and report on the results at the end of each stage. Following the recommendations of the management, you will be able to lose 7 kg of excess weight in a week and significantly improve your well-being.
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