Effects of fasting


For about 20 years, we've been observing changes in the bodies of our patients who conduct food pauses. Almost always there's a natural series of events, similar to those seen by a doctor who has prescribed a successful medication. At the same time, unlike medicine, a properly conducted fasting never causes side effects or any deterioration of patients' health.

However, let's start with contraindications.

They are few. The first one is a lack of body weight. The second is rapid weight loss due to an unclear cause. The third is an acute illness that requires specialized therapy.

The necessary conditions for a food pause are the initial satisfactory health condition and the patient's desire to participate in fasting treatment.

Observed effects:

  1. Weight loss, 1 kg a day.

  2. The state of nutritional comfort in the absence of food.

  3. Reduction and disappearance of swelling, in the face and legs, as well as in the nasal sinuses and bronchi.

  4. Secretory activity of glands going back to normal (eyes, nose, oral cavity, bronchus, sweat glands).

  5. Acne and liability to furuncles disappear.

  6. Elimination of allergic reactions (nasal congestion, lacrimation, itching, heat rash, blisters). Reduction of the number of eosinophils in blood.

  7. Lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension and moderate hypotension at rest in others.

  8. Decreased heart rate, to 55-60 bpm.

  9. Health gain in patients with atherosclerosis of the coronary and major vessels.

  10. Reduction or elimination of dyspnea.

  11. Reduction or disappearance of abdominal pain in patients with peptic ulcer and gastritis (pH normalization).

  12. Reduction of ALT, AST, and bilirubin numbers in people with earlier hepatitis.

  13. Disappearance of the usual tongue plaque and bad breath after a food pause.

  14. Reduced joint pain and increased mobility. Reduced ESR.

  15. Substantial improvement of appearance. Wrinkle-smoothing effect, clearing of sclerae, fading of age spots.

  16. Disappearance of cellulite after the 5th day of fasting.

  17. Complete or partial disappearance of papillomas.

  18. On the 5th day of fasting, intestinal worms usually die.

  19. Signs of functional improvement in prostatitis.

  20. Reduction of the size of nodes in mastopathy and fibromyoma.

  21. Disappearance of itching and inflammation in neurodermatitis and eczema. Rapid epithelization.

  22. Lower blood sugar, considerable on the 3rd day already and up to 3-4 mmol/l later on. In patients with diabetes, blood sugar is reduced without medication, but more slowly.

  23. Significant well-being improvement in patients with kidney disease, especially under chronic renal insufficiency.

  24. Sand disappears from the gall bladder and kidneys, as the ultrasound shows.

  25. Normalization of leukocyte blood formula. An increase in the number of leukocytes, usually from 4,000 to 5,000-6,000/mcl.

  26. Hemoglobin level growth, by 20% on average.

  27. Reduction of body fat percentage, usually by 1% a day, starting from day 3.

  28. Better sleep and increased daytime activity.

  29. As a rule, patients note that they start liking themselves more, and so do the other people.

  30. Objective improvement in the variation pulsometry parameters (HVR), such as: reduced biological age, reduced stress of the autonomic nervous system, better balance of its subdivisions, increased resistance to stress and strain.

  31. After a food pause, menstrual cycle is often restored.

  32. A few food pauses, conducted in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle, allow you to get rid of hormonal infertility.

  33. After a food pause, patients easily tolerate anesthesia and surgery, and the postoperative period is free from complications.